thankful for you, thirties

My thirties in one word? THANKFUL.

Going into a new decade, it really is crazy to look back on the last decade and see how much went on in those 10 years. We had our three amazing babies, moved to a new city, moved into a new home, had life-saving brain surgery, expanded the cousin crew, went through a few failed fertility treatments and one successful round of IVF, traveled to some amazing places as a travel director, had my jewelry line in a popular downtown Annapolis boutique during Covid, tried my hand at homeschooling and failed, started a little beauty product side hustle from home, attended a few fun filled family weddings and many more memories I will forever look back on fondly. So I truly thank you, thirties for a great decade and very much looking forward to the next decade!

To name a few personal goals …get my hospitality management certification, embark on real estate endeavors with Mike, visit Savannah, get back to Disney and plan a family trip to Africa! I’ve decided it’s going to be fabulous.