Wonderful Wisconsin

No matter how exhausted I feel from packing for a trip or returning from a trip with the girls, I never regret actually going on the trip. We went to visit my parents for a couple weeks in Wisconsin recently, along with my sister and her boys. Fortunately, we had extra hands on both legs of the trip since I have yet to tackle flying solo with two little ones. They couldn’t have had more fun between my parents house essentially being converted into a funhouse, compliments of my awesome, former school teacher of a mother, crafts, trips to the indoor swimming pool, Moana and one magical snow day that I know I’ll definitely never forget.

One of my biggest goals as a mom is exposing the girls to lots of different things that might spark their interest and instilling a sense of adventure in them. This trip definitely fulfilled a little bit of both. Now, off to plan a little getaway for moi. šŸ™‚